Thursday, February 17, 2011

Home alone

They say man is a social creature. He loves to be in a group, he hates being alone , these are some of the prevailing assumptions of the homosapien. think again, heart of heart everyone wants to be left alone. they are skeptical about making new acquaintances and as far as possible avoids mingling with others. it is only due to the compulsions of survival that he is forced to live in a group , hunt / earn in a group and die in one.
i can elaborate this theory. have you ever noticed how people seat themselves in buses and other such public areas, where the seat number is not already allotted?. they choose to sit as far apart from each other. only when all single seats are taken do they opt for the sharing one. Sharing is utterly not in the natural vein of man. it is sheer manners that he is forced to tolerate the neighbour or even more accurate the family member.
i recently had an opportunity to be Home alone for  two days. i began with a real enthusiastic mind set. i settled on the sofa with the TV remote in hand, a bottle of water and a bowl of snacks, i surfed the channels to my hearts content with no interruption, Until ....
the bells began to toll. the door bell rang. i rose laboriously to answer it only to notice that it was a visitor enquiring some address. then the phone bell rang , than the squirrel entered the kitchen and kept screeching to its friends and foes to help him loot my larder. well the bubble was broken. Being home alone is only added portfolio - you have to finish the work of your kiths and kin.

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